While I felt very disconnected with my friends these past few weeks, I have felt God's presence and seen His handiwork on a daily basis. I am so thankful that my eucharisteo journal is in handwritten, paper and pen, format so it didn't disappear with the rest of our files on our computer. God is good and I am always encouraged re-reading the ways He has revealed Himself. I am forever indebted to Ann Voskamp and One Thousand Gifts for teaching me how to train my eyes so I don't miss those gifts.
"If the heights of our joy are measured by the depths of our gratitude, and gratitude is but a way of seeing, a spiritual perspective of smallness might offer a vital way of seeing especially conductive to gratitude." -Ann Voskamp
"...but to give thanks is an action and rejoice is a verb and these are not mere pulsing emotions. While I may not always feel joy, God asks me to give thanks in all things, because He knows that the feeling of joy begins in the action of thanksgiving." -Ann Voskamp
Counting gifts continued...
480. Skylar is cradled in Jesus' arms and running around in heaven, but oh how her parents must be aching to the bone with the loss of their beautiful 20 month old daughter. Thank you, Father, for Skylar's life. Thank you for the incredible witness her parents are to all they come in contact with. Thank you that they have Your hope and peace during this time.
487. Visiting My Hero at the station. Addison loves her daddy's fire trucks! It sounds like everyone enjoyed the Chocolate Peanut Butter Torte I made (thanks, Pinterest for the recipe!).
489. Hints of fall - fallen leaves sprinkled across the fading grass, nights with the windows wide open, a slight coolness to the breeze, the newest Southern Living magazine covered with delicious apple recipes, planning our annual apple picking trip, and leaves crunching beneath stroller wheels.
492. 1:30am snuggle time with my little girl while her fever slowly cooled down (a rare moment since she has never been a cuddly girl, and unless she's sick she sleeps 12 hours at night!)
493. Finding great deals at the consignment sale this morning! I can't wait for her cute little self to be dressed up in fall clothes!
494. Not getting frustrated despite the feeling that everything seems to be broken at the exact same time. Thankfully our family is healthy both physically and emotionally, and everything else is just stuff.
498. Soaking up the last few days of summer together as a family at the pool.
499. The reminder of 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
502. My dad, mom, sister, brother-in-law, and brother - they are a ray of light on a dark day and add another smile to my face when times are good.

Katie, I always love reading what you are thankful for. God has been making me more aware of the things I need to be thankful for this week.