Thursday, November 17, 2011

Birthday Blessings

Today I turned 27.  

This year, on my birthday, I continued to count gifts, slowly unwrapping all 27 of them...

601. Waking up to cards and heartfelt notes left by My Hero before he headed to work
602. Growing even more in love with him each year and knowing that he feels the same towards me
603. Seeing an envelope with "Mommy" on the front.  I will never take for granted the gift of being the Mommy to my precious daughter.
604. Seeing her 22 month old scribbles across the card and her face of pride as she showed me her artwork
605. A quiet morning with no where to go
606.  A cold, blustery day reminding me of how grateful I am to have a warm, cozy house
607. The many calls, messages, texts, and cards from loved ones
608. My friend surprising me with a cookies 'n cream CFA milkshake (an extra-special treat!!)
609. Finally getting our brand new replacement computer in the mail after months of waiting!
610. A 3 hour stretch of time to myself as Little Miss napped...I am usually doing good if she sleeps for an hour and a half!  I don't remember the last time she slept almost 3 hours!
611. Her joyful mood after such a good rest
612. Going shopping for our Operation Christmas Child shoebox and involving Addison in this experience as I tried to tell her that we were buying gifts to help another little girl.  How I pray she will have a spirit of generosity and one that is not controlled by her own selfish desires.
613. Pushing her in the shopping cart, so proud of her and what a beautiful little girl she is
614. Feeling the welling excitement as I imagine a little girl opening up the shoebox and discovering many gifts that she would not otherwise have...all in the name of Jesus Christ
615. Praying and knowing God hears the pleas of my heart
616. Sharing an answered prayer with friends and family members
617. Getting tears in my eyes as I drove home and passed several daycares.  Words can never express how thankful I am to my husband for working and making it a priority for me to stay home with Addison.  Every sacrifice we have made and continue to make never even enters my mind.  Even on the long, hard days, I wouldn't change anything.  I am beyond blessed and I recognize that every single day.
618. Thinking about how my relationship with God has grown and deepened through my first year in BSF.
619. Hearing Addison sing "Holy, Holy, Holy," "Jesus Loves Me," and the ABCs.  :)
620. Ella's Kitchen baby food pouches...who knew eating vegetables could be so much fun!?
621. Peace that passes all understanding
622. Laughter
623. Snuggles, kisses, and hugs before bed (even though her baby dolls got way more kisses than I did!)
624. Fleece, footie pajamas on a freshly bathed little girl
625.  Calling Daddy before bed.  He asked Addison what she did today.  Her response, "Mommy's birthday."  Too sweet!
626. The way my hands linger the smell of baby wash long after Addison's bath
627. Getting in bed after a long, hot shower and ending the day with prayers of thanksgiving for an abundance of what really matters

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