the stressful, I-only-have-two-hands-but-need-ten days
The days full of smiles and laughter,
and those of whining and tears
The good nap days,
The sleepless days
The cheerfully obedient days,
The strong-willed, defiant days
The fun days,
The boring days
The sunny outdoor days,
The rainy, indoor days
The clean house moments,
The crumbs, overflowing laundry baskets, and my-house-looks-like-Toys-R-Us-days
The "yes" days,
The "NO!" days
The days we leave the house minutes before scheduled,
The days we leave the house minutes after scheduled
The days of adventure while exploring something new,
The quiet days spent learning within the walls of our home
The forgiving days,
The asking for forgiveness days
And every day in between....
Allowing God to teach me how to extend grace and love because He IS Grace and Love.
833. Overflowing with thankfulness for our two blessings, the privilege of being home with them each day, and for God's example of grace and love.