759. Three years with our little girl...what a gift!
760. Weary, frustrated tears after an unusually challenging day alone with the children. A reminder that I cannot, but "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." -Philippians 4:13
761. 60 degrees, sunny, and an entire day with my little family
762. His sparkly, blue eyes that twinkle even on the rainiest days
764. My husband's strength perfectly entwined with his gentleness
765. Books
766. My baby boy still needing his Mama throughout the night - must be God's way of giving me more opportunities to exercise my word for 2013 all day and night.
767. Words of Ann Voskamp- Prayer is more important than breathing because souls are more important than life.
768. The tension between valuing the earthly over the eternal - I am slowly allowing God to erase my desire for the things the world places as important/essential. All I need is Him and to be able to close my eyes at night knowing my day made an eternal difference.
769. Letting go of feeling like I deserve quiet, alone time at some point each day. I don't deserve anything.
770. Serving my children all day with no expectations of anything in return (a glimpse into the heart of Jesus, who "made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant." -Philippians 2:7) The difference: this is not easy for me and my selfish heart screams for recognition and acknowledgement.
771. The joy of giving my copy of One Thousand Gifts to a new friend after she said, "You are the third person who has recommended that book to me!" Excited to hear how God uses it to change her life!
772. A very special treat - Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie n' Oreo Fudge Brownie Bar
773. The love my two little loves share

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