Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Twirly Skirts

If her closet was full of twirly skirts, and only twirly skirts, my daughter would be the happiest, twirliest little girl you could imagine.  When trying on skirts and dresses, she will do a quick spin or two to test the skirts "twirly-ness."  If it doesn't pass the test, off it goes.

This dress has placed #1 in the "twirliest" category.  Regardless of the temperature or where we are going, she would choose to wear this dress all day, every day (she'd probably even sleep in it if she could!).

As I was thinking about the importance of twirly skirts in her little life, I came to the conclusion that she loves twirly skirts likely because they are fun, make her feel pretty, elicit smiles and giggles, and she thoroughly enjoys them.

As I related this to my adult life, I have been thinking about the things that I enjoy....not the to-do list parts of my day, but the extra, "nonessential" things that bring me joy.  

As a busy mother, I realize that I have let these simple joys take a back seat as I believe that I don't have the time or need for them anymore.  But I do.  And to be the best wife, mom, and friend, I need to make the time for myself again.  My Hero gave me a great book, The Fringe Hours.  I'm almost finished and I will hopefully share some wisdom I have learned soon.

In the while my girl asks to wear her twirliest skirt once more, I am going to enjoy this early morning quiet space to look at pictures and write and then later I'll bake something delicious...maybe even a new recipe I've saved to make one day but never made the time!

What do you, my fellow busy mother friend, need to do?  What are your God-given passions?  Do you need to paint?  Read a book?  Play an instrument?  Scrapbook?  Encourage a friend?  Volunteer?  Enjoy a massage?  Get a pedicure?  Roll the windows down and sing your favorite song?  Sit on your front porch and relax for a few minutes?

Take a few moments for YOU and enjoy today.  

You will never find time for anything.  If you want time, you must make it.  ~Charles Bixton

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Thank you, Levi

My precious, blue-eyed son,

Thank you, Levi, for wanting to see me so much every morning that you wake up hours before the sun comes up calling "Mommy."  As tired as I am, I love folding up around you in your crib-sized toddler bed for as many extra minutes of quiet cuddle time as you will allow.

Thank you for your sweet, baby voice.  I love how you pronounce words such as "fire twuck," "lellow," "free" (3), and "mall" (small).  You are too cute and you make me smile as I think about the fact that you won't always talk like a little baby boy. You remind me to rest in the present.

Thank you for telling me that I am beautiful, sparkling, and shining.  You are going to be an incredible husband one day.  Until then, you can keep telling me that I look "boo-ti-ful."  :)

Thank you for being constantly on the go.  You are the reason I do not need a gym membership!

Thank you for doing silly things just so other people will laugh.  I need to laugh more, don't I?

Thank you for reminding me to keep calm and take a deep breath when "quiet time" turns into disaster zone in the blink of an eye.  Moments like these make me pray continuously so that I won't lose my mind.  Your Mama likes cleanliness, organization, and neatness.  You don't.  Maybe we need to meet in the can teach me to be more carefree and I can teach you the importance of order and organization?

Thank you for making me feel like the best chef around.  You still eat like a champ and I greatly appreciate it!!!

 Thank you for wrapping your arms around my neck when you ask me to hold you (and when I pick you up just because I can).  You still melt into my arms.  I prayed for a cuddly baby while I was pregnant with you and God certainly answered that prayer.

Thank you, my sweet boy, for asking me to "wok" (rock) you every night before bed.  Thank you that after a few minutes of prayers, songs, and cuddles you want us to get under the green blanket in your bed and snuggle until you fall asleep.  Do you know that you rest your hands on my cheeks to fall asleep?  As your breathing slows down and deepens, and your little body relaxes, you allow me a few moments to unwind from our wild and crazy day.  A few minutes to pray for you.  Time to think about all the things I am so grateful for.  And time for the frustrations and weariness I felt throughout the day to subside and for the most important aspects of my life to come to the front.

Thank you, my Levi, for the true joy you are.  Thank you for being you.  As I wrote in Addison's letter, nothing has made me depend on Jesus more and nothing has made me want to teach someone more about Jesus than being your Mommy and Addison's Mommy.  I love every day with you, and I am more thankful for you than you will ever know.  You are the perfect gift, and Daddy and I adore you.

All of my love,